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Eric Chen ESQ
Eric Chen ESQ
Tel :    702-638-8886
Fax :    702-878-8686
Comp :   Law Offices of Eric K. Chen
Web :
6330 Spring Mountain Rd., #D Las Vegas, NV 89146

Eric Chen is the founder and creator of the Law Offices of Eric K. Chen. After graduating from Southwestern University School of Law and receiving the John J. Schumacher Scholarship, Eric became a licensed and practicing attorney since 1994 possessing a steadfast dedication to helping all he can. As a professor and doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Eric has been able to use his extensive knowledge in this field to better serve his clients seeking his aid in their personal injury cases, specializing in medical malpractice suits. Eric’s professional experience centers on personal injury law, business litigation, and international corporate law. Eric has had the privilege of representing the FDIC in multi-million banking fraud matters and assisting U.S. and Chinese companies in finding joint ventures and mergers and acquisition partnerships. Additionally, Eric has served as legal counsel for the California Acupuncture Medicine Association (CAMA), California Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CAAOM), and Council of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association (CAOMA). Eric’s professional affiliations include active membership in the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Orange County Asian American Bar Association, California Acupuncture Medicine Association, Clarke County Bar Association, Rosemead Lions Club, and finally as the Co-Founder and Vice-President of the Nevada Chinese Professionals and Business Association.


Law Offices of Eric K. Chen Law Offices of Eric K. Chen
TEL : 702-638-8886
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